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The Historic Easton Cemetery appreciates any and all help from our community members. Please consider getting involved. We thank you in advance for your support.

We are currently seeking:

  • docents

  • gardeners

  • gravestone maintenance 

  • cemetery researchers

  • event volunteers

You can volunteer for a single day, long-term, remote, or in- person. In many cases you can volunteer on your own time. Drop us a line email and we will be happy to tell you more!



When Easton Cemetery opened in 1849 it was not just a burial ground – it was a public park for all to enjoy. Families would walk in or arrive by horse and buggy on a Sunday to tend a loved one’s grave. As a gardening and grounds volunteer, you can help return these grounds to their “blooming glory.”

The cemetery offers many opportunities for anyone who likes to work outside, especially working with plants. Our Master Gardeners work with volunteers to help beautify our many cradle graves and revitalize the historic rose bushes. With more volunteers, the goal is to enhance the grounds with mulch and additional native, deer-resistant plants. 


After submitting an application and attending orientation, a Grave Gardener Volunteer works independently during regular cemetery hours. With cemetery approval, a volunteer can select a specific area in which to work. Tools, plants and supplies are provided, if needed, however, water is not currently available on cemetery grounds. Attendance at our workshops is encouraged, but not mandatory. 


If you are interested, we can also help you learn about the people who are buried in the plots where you are working. There are many interesting stories. Uncover them with the help of Marx Room at the Easton Area Public Library.


Interested in filling out an application?

Grave Gardening

Grave Gardeners are dedicated to the preservation and beautification of the cradle graves (planters), urns and other “plantable spaces” in the cemetery. It is our hope that with supervision by Master Gardeners and the Cemetery Office, we can bring all the cradle graves back to life as their loved ones intended.

Scatter Garden

Planning began in 2017 for an area in the cemetery where family and friends can spread the cremated remains of their loved one in a peaceful, pleasant setting. The Scatter Garden needs volunteers who can help clear weeds, lay paths, spread mulch, plant perennials, and more.


The cemetery was known for these flowers many years ago and efforts are now being made to bring the bushes back to health. Volunteers can adopt one or more rose bush to care for by weeding, mulching, pruning and feeding. The amount of time required is about an hour per week.

General Grounds

Many “main areas” of the cemetery could benefit from a little enhancement. Sprucing up includes planting, mulching, and general removal of leaves and overgrown grasses. Some areas of focus are to the left of the Main Gate where the sign board and map are located, around the Traill Green statue at the main entrance, and around the chapel.

Gravestone Cleaning

As with the gravestones in many older cemeteries, many of our monuments are deteriorating. Gravestone cleaning, maintenance and conservation is crucial. Join our crew of trained grave cleaning volunteers to work on this important project. The intent is not to make a grave marker look "new," but rather keep it from deteriorating and preventing further damage. 

Sign up for our email list!

Questions? Drop us a line.

Thanks for submitting!



401 North 7th Street

Easton, PA 18042

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Monday - Friday, 9 AM -1 PM.; other times by appointment


Open Daily from 8 AM to Dusk

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